What's in Season - March?

Whilst there's never a dull day in the land of fruit and veg, March is where produce starts to get interesting again. We're at that point in the year where we don't want to see another sprout until Christmas, we're almost sick of stews and are desperate for a burst of colour - both in the sky and on our plates. Packing our boxes with seasonal produce means supporting local farmers, lower food miles and getting veg that's as fresh as possible. Here's what we're looking forward to  as we move into Spring:


Thanks to our wonderful growers, we have access to spinach almost all year but it is at its peak during Spring/early Summer.  Popeye did wonders for spinach's marketing but if you've forgotten, it's packed with iron and vitamins making it as nutritious as it is versatile!


Leek and potato soup? Pea and leek risotto? Chicken and leek pie? When it comes to classic Spring recipes, the leek has got you covered. Make sure you save any waste parts for stock!

Spring Onions

Or Sprunions if you live in our house. Perfect for adding a bit of crunch to stir fries, salads or salsa. 


If you've been with us a while, you'll know we're big fans of kale and therefore delighted it has such a long season. It's packed with vitamins A, K and C which means we add it into everything where possible. By the bowlful as a salad, blitzed up as a pasta sauce, roasted for kale crisps, we'll take it. 


Is it a fruit or is it a vegetable?! Technically it's a vegetable but we'd rather it in a crumble than on our roast dinner. Good in all things fruit related like compote, cakes and stewed (served with ice cream or on top of porridge).

Wild Garlic

What a treat it is when wild garlic bursts into season. We try and cram as many wild garlic based dishes in as possible as it's here for a good time, not a long time. The possibilities are endless but our favourites are wild garlic butter, soup and pesto. 


Arguably one of the most versatile vegetables. Cauliflower is the perfect addition to lighter Spring meals, whether it's roasted, mashed or a substitute for rice. 

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